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Facilitating Connections: 5 Strategies to Improve Event Networking

In-person events stand unrivalled for meeting people. In fact, a staggering 77.7% of attendees attest that in-person conferences provide an ideal networking environment. [Cr.]

Having experienced countless events both as organiser and delegate, I've identified strategies to help event planners craft environments that foster more meaningful connections for attendees.

Here are my top 5 tips to enhance your event networking:

1. Design Effective Spaces

The areas devoted to networking is pivotal in delivering positive delegate experience. Dedicated networking areas are more effective with access to refreshments and facilities, located near high footfall but avoiding congesting walkways. Implement clear signage and event branding, with both formal and informal furniture to ensure the space caters for a range of personality and meeting types. Enhance this space by providing digital agendas, interactive maps and materials from sponsors.


2. Harness Technology

Facilitate advanced connections in the lead up to your event day by utilising an event app or digital platform. These platforms feature attendee filtering options and matchmaking algorithms to enable the most relevant connections. Boost attendance through pre-event social media marketing highlighting networking opportunities. These platforms also provide a valuable asset for sponsors and supporters to drive reach and lead-generation.


3. Champion Diversity

Craft a varied networking program tailored to all delegates and customisable based on preferences. Offer different networking formats to alleviate potential barriers and provide opportunities for all personality types and job functions to benefit. Incorporate both structured and unstructured networking time, featuring 1:1 meetings, group discussions and speed networking alongside informal refreshment breaks.


4. Utilise your Speaker roster

Leverage the value of the speaker programme by providing opportunities for delegates to engage with industry experts. Enable attendee-speaker interaction through Q&A sessions, open forums, and round-table discussions. For those less inclined to speak publicly, encourage speakers to mingle during breaks. This personal interaction creates a more collaborative atmosphere to ensure valuable connections.


5. Collect Actionable Data

Maximise the opportunity to optimise by gathering attendee feedback and testimonials. Define key metrics to analyse networking initiatives and how best to collect feedback. Short surveys and polls during or after the event provide valuable insight into the delegate experience and discover areas for improvement. Testimonials also offer a compelling asset to fuel future event marketing!


Whether it's conferences, trade shows or brand activations, networking remains a core value of live events. By embracing these principles, event organisers will create environments for real-life interaction and meaningful connections for delegates.

What are the most successful event networking tactics you have implemented? Have you seen any trends across recent events that we should consider?